Picture this: you are standing in the middle of a very large building with bumpy concrete floors. There are rows of tables to your left, and rows of saddles to your right. You look above you, and you can see the posterboard signs that label the different rows. All the tables are piled high with horse items, and you feast your eyes on the saddle pad table. There must be 300 saddle pads right there, and the clean white dressage pad stands out from the masses. But no! Someone else reaches for the pad and picks it up. You hold your breath as they examine it, hopeful that they might find one better, or the price two dollars too high. But no, they pick it up and carry it with them. Ah well, there are 299 more to choose from. Then, you decide to walk over to the table. Easier said than done, of course, because there are probably fifty other eager shoppers in between you and that table. So you shuffle and nudge and give some excuse me's in an attempt to appear civil as you shove your way to the table. Three minutes, twelve nudges, and twenty excuse me's later, you're at the saddle pad table. But alas! It's too late. The only ones left are dirty, ripped, or suspiciously furry. Maybe if you dig in the pile, you'll find a good deal, or some treasures that no one else has claimed yet. But if you don't find what you wanted, there's always next year...
Hence, I love it. All in all, I got most of my show season necessities, and spent exactly $100. I also sold a bunch of my old, unemployed tack and got $450 for the lot of it. This means that I can pay for my upcoming schooling shows and finally shoulder some of the financial burden of my horse. I know my mom pays for my horse because equines are a necessity for my happiness, and I love her dearly for understanding my habit, despite the fact that she doesn't have the horse bug, but I still think it's about time I step up and start paying some costs. I figure this is a good step in the right direction.
A quick update on Bailey:
About ten days ago, she threw a shoe. I lunged her that very day, and she was sound and happy. Two days later, when I finally had time to ride, she had finally gotten sore on it. So we worked on our flexing and giving to the bit at the walk. The farrier came out two days later to put a new shoe on, and I tried to ride that evening. But once again, the trot was just not happening. She was, of course, almost perfectly sound on the lunge line, but not at all sound with me on her back (Did I mention my mare makes me feel fat?) Again, we worked on our bending and flexing, and actually had a nice time with it, but I thought I'd wait a few more days to let her foot feel better. Of course, an essay, an all-day-and-night field trip, the cleaning of my consignment items, and the tack sale (a combined total of 4 hours waiting in line) caused me to miss the better part of the entire week. I lunged Bailey last night and she looked pretty good, although I'm still suspicious. So tomorrow, one week after our last ride, to be precise, is the moment of truth. Ideally, she'll be sound and we can get back to 5 days of riding per week. I just have this lingering feeling that she's not going to be sound and then I'll have to investigate her foot and start thinking about abcesses (right?). Either way, I'll know for sure tomorrow. One of these days, I'll talk about my riding goals, showing plans, Bailey, and my riding experience, so please keep checking by and leaving comments. It makes me just giddy to read them! Thanks for tuning in, folks!
That tack sale sounds heavenly. I'm jealous.